Sony Reel Tape Recorder History & Demos by Phantom Productions, Inc.

  • This is a 4 minute preview of our 26 minute profile of Sony reel to reel tape recorders . The full version is available both as part of the 3 DVD 7 hour set, downloadable videos from the internet, or bought as an individual video at
    Sony's history is really interesting and full of innovation. The company began manufacturing recording tape in 1949 and built their first tape recorder in 1950. The production also covers Superscope who sold the Sony recorders in the US market. There are many more details in the 7 hour video. We profile the Sony recorders in our collection beginning with the 1958 Sony 533. Other Sony units profiled include the sony TC-777, TC-772, TC-580, TC-854 and several more. There are over 150 reel tape recorders and 100+ microphones in our collection. All are covered as well as the histories of 40+ reel tape recorder companies in our 7 hour production. Included in the 7 hours is the history of Sound Recording and How the Tape Recorder Works. Please go to and view our trailer.
    Recorders, mixers and microphones on the 3 DVD set include units by: Akai, Altec, American Microphone, Amplicorp Magnemite, Ampex, Astatic, Bell, Bell and Howell, Berlant Concertone, Bogen, Brenell, Brush Sound Mirror, Concertone, Concord, Crown, Dokorder, Edison, Eico, Electro Voice, Fostex, Garrard, HeathKit, Magnecord, Marantz, Martel by Uher, Nagra, Otari, Pentron, Phillips, Pioneer, RCA, Reslo, ReVox, Rheem, Roberts, Scully, Sennheiser, Shure, Sony, Sparta, Spectone, Studer, Tandberg, Tascam, Teac, Technics, Telefunken, Toshiba, Turner, Viking, Webcor, Webster Chicago, Wilcox-Gay & Wollensak.

    Category : General

