Jocul Ielelor | Scurt Metraj Romanesc

  • Genre: Mistery, Fantasy, Horror
    Cast: Lorin Druta, Onea Patricia, Izabela Roman, Roxana Matesan
    Alexandru Bertalan, Raul Kalauz, Raul Croitoru, Rares One
    Director: Codrut Buda, Lorin Druta
    Written by: Lorin Druta
    Budget: 250$
    Duration: 15 min
    Year: 2022
    Lorin si prietenii lui organizeaza weekend-ul baietiilor la cabana, din pacate, apare ceva si Lorin isi petrece noaptea singur.
    Ielele sunt f?pturi feminine supranaturale din mitologia rom�neasc?, r?sp�ndite �n supersti?ii, c?rora nu li se poate stabili �ns? un profil precis, din cauza inconsecven?ei folclorului; totu?i, forma mitologic? preferat? este a unor fecioare z?natice, cu mare for?? de seduc?ie ?i cu puteri magice, cumul�nd atributele Nimfelor, Naiadelor, Driadelor, �ntruc�tva ?i ale Sirenelor. Sunt similare cu f?pturile Samodiva din mitologia bulg?reasc?.
    Lorin and his friends organize the boys' weekend at the cabin, unfortunately, something happens and Lorin spends the night alone.
    Ieles are supernatural female creatures from Romanian mythology, widespread in superstitions, but a precise profile cannot be established for them, due to the inconsistency of folklore; however, the preferred mythological form is that of magical maidens, with great seduction and magical powers, combining the attributes of Nymphs, Naiads, Dryads, and to some extent Sirens. They are similar to the Samodiva creatures from Bulgarian mythology.
    #scurtmetraj #filme #nobine #joculielelor

    Category : Filme Scurtmetraj rom�nesc

