Priveste inainte cu manie 1993 | film romanesc

  • Romania de dupa decembrie 1989... Un santier naval de pe malul Dunarii, in �perioada de trranzitie�, nesigura si tulbure care debusoleaza, rastoarna scara valorilor, nu fara a lasa in urma nenumarate victime. Muncitor apreciat, fost dizident care, pe vremea lui Ceausescu, a platit cu ani de puscarie pentru nemultumirea manifestata, Fane (Remus Margineanu) ajunge somer, tocmai din pricina celor demascati de momentul de sinceritate al �revolutiei�. Elanul lui sindicalist se transforma intr-o arma impotriva sa si a familiei sale, solidaritatea muncitorilor realizandu-se in functie de avantajele sau presiunile de ordin individual. Spiritul de revolta al copiilor se metamorfozeaza, si el, in spirit aventurier, acestia ajungand sa intre in afaceri dubioase. Astfel Vali, fiica lui Fane, se prostitueaza, pentru a-si putea plati studiile universitare, si Viorel (Cristian Iacob), cel mai mare dintre baieti, nimereste la inchisoare. Dar indeosebi destinul lui Nelu, mezinul familiei, se constituie intr-un avertisment in privinta caracterului imprevizibil al viitorului: Nelu cade si el in plasa castigurilor facile, neintelegand trecerea brusca de la efervescenta momentului �revolutiei� (la care a participat ca un mic erou) la mania, ura, degringolada al caror martor a devenit in toate imprejurarile vietii de zi cu zi.
    Romania after December 1989 ... A shipyard on the banks of the Danube, in the "transition period", insecure and turbulent that confuses, overturns the scale of values, not without leaving behind countless victims. Appreciated worker, former dissident who, during Ceausescu's time, paid years in prison for his dissatisfaction, Fane (Remus Margineanu) becomes unemployed, precisely because of those exposed by the moment of sincerity of the "revolution". His unionist zeal turns into a weapon against him and his family, the solidarity of the workers being realized according to the individual advantages or pressures. The spirit of revolt of the children metamorphoses, and he, in an adventurous spirit, they end up entering dubious business. Thus Vali, Fane's daughter, prostitutes herself, in order to pay for her university studies, and Viorel (Cristian Iacob), the eldest of the boys, ends up in prison. But especially the fate of Nelu, the youngest of the family, is a warning about the unpredictability of the future: Nelu also falls into the trap of easy gains, not understanding the sudden transition from the effervescence of the "revolution" (in which he participated as a little hero ) to the rage, hatred, tumult of which he became a witness in all the circumstances of daily life.
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    Category : Filme romanesti

